We planted our little balcony kitchen garden a few weeks ago. I can't get over how much everything has already grown! It's a veritable growing frenzy happening out there.
We've got loads and loads of cherry tomatoes, plus basil, mint, parsley, sage, dill, thyme and oregano. In the past I've been known to get over-excited in the plant nursery, and declare that we can totally grow beans and peas and melons and pumpkins in our pots. And then after a few weeks they all shrivel and die when the sun burns them to death. This year I was determined not to be known as Jorth The Plant Killer, so we've stuck only to the plants we know can hack it on our scorching balcony. I'm sorry, pumpkins. It just wasn't meant to be *sniff*
Now I think about it, I've never had much luck in the pumpkin growing department. I remember when I was just a wee thing planting a pumpkin seed in our yard, and watching amazed as it grew and grew. That is until my Dad discovered it one day. He took one look at it, declared that "those darn things grow like weeds!" and promptly ran over it with the lawn mover. The irony was that we didn't have anything else growing in the yard besides grass, so it's not like the pumpkin was taking over some precious territory, for land's sake! Poor old pumpkin *double sniff*
Whoooooosh! Let's step away from my tragic pumpkin past and move into the present, namely the balcony garden. So far this year, so good. There have been a few caterpillars having the odd exploratory munch, but those I can handle. What I can't handle is the Tyger's habit of smooshing her head into the tomato plants when she is meant to be watering them because quote unquote "I like how it makes my face smell!"
Hehe, I love that crazy kid!
If the caterpillars and slugs start to eat too much, you can sprinkle your onion and garlic outer skins around the garden to keep them at bay.