Thursday, November 03, 2011

Gathered with string

Spotted Dress Dummy

The spotted dress sat upon the dressmakers dummy, feeling a lot better than she did the other day. Her raw edges were all overlocked, for a start. But there was still something bothering her. She quietly said "PSSST! Mannequin? Are you awake?"

The dressmakers dummy came to with a start. "Yes, m'dear?" she queried sleepily.

"There's something amiss with my gathers, I think", said the dress anxiously. "I know I'm only a new dress, and that I don't have much experience with all this sewing malarkey, but I think - actually, I'm pretty sure - that she's done my gathers using string!"

"String?", repeated the dummy in surprise.

"String!" said the dress. "She's pulled it all out now, but I must say, it does leave one with a rather odd sensation. Is that how gathers are normally done?"

"It's not how they are done, my dear girl", said the dummy wisely. "It's how neat they look, and I must say, yours look splendid!"

"Oh!", said the dress. "Oh. Well, that's all right then, I suppose."

"Yes it is" said the dummy magnanimously. "Yes it is."

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