I am standing here in a state of equal parts almost-sneeziness and revulsion. How on earth did my blog become so dusty and cobwebby? I'm going to need buckets and detergents and brooms and maybe even some Windex, stat! Now that school is back, this blog is going to have to come back up to speed and quickly, before I am found guilty of total and utter blog neglect. They can put you jail for that these days, you know. Or at the very least drop you as a friend on Facebook. Oh, the horror!
In my defence, however, I will state that I haven't being doing absolutely nothing over the school hols. There have been picnics, and long bike rides, and swims, and loads of games of Connect 4, and playdates with friends. And most importantly lots of hanging with my girl. I think after a long year we both needed the recharge. I didn't craft much, as I'd rather play a game with the Tyger and get the giggles together, but the crafting is going to commence once I hit Publish on this post.
Boy oh boy, do I have some big crafting plans for this year! Also, fingers crossed, the book is going to get written too. I've even gone so far as to write up a weekly schedule for myself. And got it laminated! Yes, I am a big dork, but this is a dork with a mission - I want to get my novel written this year, so time management is of utmost importance, and if it takes a laminated schedule to make that happen, then so be it!
So if anybody knows of any agents out there who don't mind their authors being a bit on the, er, daggy side, send them over my way!
Right, I'm off now to attack that cobweb. Yes, it's an actual cobweb on my house. One of many, if I'm going to be brutally honest. The shame, the blasted cobwebby shame!
This makes my day! Maybe I'm a little dorky cause I look at your blog every few days in the hope that you have graced us with your fine words. You really are a great writer and I look forward to your work! Write that book!
ReplyDeleteYou and your daughter might be interested in a great book blog for children about the Adventures of Ruby Dolly www.rubydolly.wordpress.com
Be inspired by this - Jessica Purdy writes beautifully too! ps - do the illustrations so a little biased nonetheless a great read!
Well hello there!
ReplyDeleteI hear there are more spiders around this year due to the rain. My house is covered in cobwebs too, pop round with that duster when you're done with your own. ;)
ha, me too me too, but it was most of 2011 my blog was given over to the cobwebs...you're gonna be busy on your feather duster blog tour. Come and visit me...I think I've lost all my readers. And welcome back.
ReplyDeleteI'm excited you're backing and looking forward to reading lots of posts (and perhaps your novel?!) this year....
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to your updates. And good luck with your novel!
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the novel. Can't wait for more updates on the blog. Have fun with those cobwebs!
ReplyDeleteSo pleased to see you back, had begun to wonder! Wow, a novel, that's awesome. Living the dream!
ReplyDeleteOh but you're such a cool, daggy dork! :-)