How nice it would be to once more be swarthed in scarves, mittens and hat, bundled up in a coat, trying to guess which lovely patisserie we will stop at for our morning cafe au lait (can you tell I'm so much more of a winter girl?)
Still, autumn in Melbourne is not without it's charms. There's the football, which I hope to go to this year, with hands wrapped around a hot pie and a cold beer (it's quite a juggle), cheering like mad when my team kicks a goal. There's going out for pho on Victoria Street, breathing in the zinging fresh steam from the broth as the waiters bellow to each other in Vietnamese around you. There's the yearly delight of seeing the new range of hats in David Jones - not that I ever buy any, but it's always nice to try a few on. And let us not forget the Winter Masterpieces at the National Gallery of Victoria - definitely a cool days highlight.
Oh I love autumn! There's so much to look forward to. Although if I was offered a plane ticket to Paris for autumn I might find it hard to say no!
I much prefer the 'inbetween' seasons too. I like layers, lots of layers.
ReplyDeleteI love autumn to, its a beautiful season in Woodend and you definately need a scarf!
Yup, autumn works for me too!