Woohoo! Another tagging, this time by the supremely talented Aunty Cookie. So, here goes...
Five minutes to yourself: how would you spend them, ideally?
Five whole minutes? Without any nappies to change, laundry to hang out, dishes to do? Probably in a daze, completely at a loss! Actually, if this were the idea magical world, I would wait until the Galumph got home, then I would teleport myself down to a snug little quiet bar playing soft jazz, order myself a glass of merlot and some nibblies and hunker down with a favourite magazine. Oh, and maybe I could freeze time like the witch from Sabrina, The Teenage Witch used to do, so I could actually have an hour or two!
Five bucks to spend right now; how would you spend it?
On a magazine, of course! I think I'm addicted to magazines. Sad, really.
Five items in your house you could part with, right now, that you hadn't thought of already?
Too easy! Ratty computer desk, dining table and chairs, stinky old spare bed mattress, sugar container and the grumpy mood currently swirling around my head.
Five items you absolutely, positively could never part with in your house?
Computer (as it has our life in photos on it and is also sadly my life line), my Phildar magazines, Grumble's first toys (Bert the butterfly and Trotter the horse, see pic), my bookcase (and all the books inside, yes, I know it's cheating but c'mon! I'm running out of ideas here) and the bath. Even though it's huge, and you always run out of hot water before it's filled decently, and I always feel super guilty about having a bath, I still love lying in all that blissfully hot water.
Five words you love?
Only five? Sheesh! Okey dokey: Superlative, refulgent, malheureusement, crapulent and Parthian.
A lucky five on/towards a magazine sounds good to me!
ReplyDeleteA lucky five on/towards a magazine sounds good to me!
ReplyDeleteA lucky five on/towards a magazine sounds good to me!
ReplyDeleteA lucky five on/towards a magazine sounds good to me!
ReplyDeletemy five minutes?? right now.. at the computer.. with tea! lol
ReplyDeleteIs it sad to admit I know nothing about your five loved words...??