Where have I been the last week or so? Goodness knows, but I can tell you one thing - I appear to have lost my blogging mojo.
Completely misplaced it. In fact, I haven't even been
reading any blogs, so if any of my regular haunts has had some bizarre misfortune occur, say like their great aunty Mabel tumbling out of the pensioner bus as it docked at the servo, landing rather ungainly on the tyre air hose and was pumped full of air until she exploded, and admist their grief they've been wondering why I haven't left a note expressing my condolences then, sorry. Maybe I'll get to it later on this week. Actually, probably not. So, better late than never:
I'm awfully sorry to hear about the explosion of Aunt Mabel.
Now that's over and done with, I expect you want some hard and fast excuses for why I've been absent. Well, I've been doing lots of swimming. Man, I am such the superstar swimming person now. I'm a-racing down that pool. In fact, you know that snail you trod on yesterday on the way to the mailbox to grab the details about Aunt M's funeral, I am
almost as fast as that snail had they avoided their sudden, rather squishy death and been dropped in the pool and told to swim, swim, swim! Still, the arms are toning up nicely, and I can do 20 whole laps without collasping, so that's a good thing.
What else? I made a
cat for this lovely person, but unfortunately gave him a name with previous traumatic connotations. Oh well. That might explain why Basil is doing his best dead man impersonation in the pic.
Gah, I've just reread this post, and helllloooooo, scary gory tone, Jorth. I'm going to disappear before any more grisly thoughts make their way from my brain to the keyboard to you. Yikes. Enjoy the swimming pic.