
Monday, July 18, 2011

Happy Birthday + Liberty Fabric Giveaway!

Tomorrow is my birthday, which not only means that I'm another year older (34, yikes!) but also heralds the yearly Jorth Birthday Giveaway!


But first things first: I'd like to introduce you to my birthday frock. Yes, it's yet another Vogue 8511. And yes, it's made up in Liberty wool/cotton from Tessuti Fabrics. I can't help myself - I love the pattern and love the fabric! It's so soft and light, yet also super warm. It also sews up like a dream, which would explain why this is the third thing I've made from it - and I have more in my stash!


Now here's the fun part. To celebrate my birthday I'm giving away some of this gorgeous fabric. There's 1.5m of the "Melly - Green" colourway to be had (it's 138cm wide, 20% wool 80% cotton).

It's easy to enter: just leave a comment and follow my blog, and you'll be in the draw! And if you fancy a double chance to win then blog, tweet or generally make some noise about the giveaway. Entries close Sunday 24th July, so don't delay!

I'm happy to send the prize overseas, so enter away even if you live in Timbuktoo. No matter where you're from, thanks for reading my blog, and best of luck. Man, I love birthdays! That reminds me: I gotta go get some balloons to go with the party dress. If ever a dress needed a balloon accessory, this would be it!


  1. I love your dress! Happy Birthday. I follow you on Google Reader and would love to be entered in your giveaway.

    sewlovely at hotmail dot com

  2. Aww, you are too sweet for having a giveaway for your birthday! Reading your blog and seeing your lovely creations on Google Reader always brightens up my day. I hope you have a wonderful birthday!

  3. Very cute dress. Happy birthday for tomorrow (we share a birthday) and enjoy those balloons!

  4. I love your new dress, the pink ribbon belt looks fantatstic and really sets it off. Have a great birthday.

  5. Your dress is gorgeous and adorable on you! No wonder you've made this so many times. :)

  6. Happy Birthday! Very generous for you to be giving a present on your own birthday :)
    (I go through fabric like crazy and I lovee that print)

  7. Happy birthday! I LOVE that fabric and would love a chance to win! I follow!

  8. what excellent fabric, love the wacky colour combo and 'so bad its really really good' print. have been enjoying reading your blog, its great to get some inspiration for sewing projects! thanks for that and have a lovely bday x

  9. Love the dress!!! The fabric looks great! And Happy Birthday! Its usually the other way round!!! You should be getting presents!!! But hay since you are giving away this lovely fabric, I would like to enter too!!!

  10. Your dress is adorable and so are you! Happy Birthday! Add me to the draw! Texas isn't as far as Timbucktoo but almost...

  11. It's lovely! I so want to try some of this fabric after seeing your lovely dresses :) I've been following your blog on my RSS reader on my phone!

  12. Love it ! Please enter me too.Thanks!

  13. Happy Birthday! I love your style - so adorable!!! I live in Brisbane, so postage won't be too expensive (hint hint) :)

  14. Happy Birthday!! i found this dress on Burda style and have to say that I think i might go out to buy this pattern because it is simply classic and stunning. I love your fabric choice as well!

  15. The pink ribbon looks fantastic!

    And I'd love to enter your giveaway - and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  16. Happy birthday!

    I really do have to try that dress pattern - it looks fantastic!

    (The pink ribbon was the right choice I reckon)

  17. Happy Birthday! What a gorgeous dress! I love your liberty dresses. The pink ribbon goes beautifully with the dress. Thanks for the chance to participate in the fabric give away.

  18. Anonymous12:55 pm

    happy birthday to you!

    Count me in for the giveaway. I would love to make something with this.

  19. Happy Birthday- great dress!! Just sewing up that pattern for the first time at the moment and I hope mine turns out as well as yours!
    Please consider me for the giveaway as the fabric sounds fab!!

  20. Happy Birthday to you and happy birthday to me! It was my birthday on the 9th! And this dress is excellent, like all of your creations.

  21. Happy birthday! I just recently started following your blog, and it's a joy.

  22. Happy birthday! I have fabric purchased for a second version of this dress. The ribbon is a nice addition. I think the pink worked great.

  23. HB! Thanks for the comp - I adore Liberty Lantana!

  24. Happy Birthday! I find your blog so inspiring - I'm very inspired to do some sewing just for me! Hope you have a lovely birthday!

  25. Noice!

    And happy birthday for tomorrow, you youngster, you.

  26. Oooh I LOVE it. I follow you on google reader, and always enjoy your posts (despite never commenting.. lurker!).
    Happy birthday xx

  27. Anonymous2:24 pm

    I love Liberty lantana as well, and it is a very pretty colourway. The dress looks wonderful on you.

  28. Happy birthday! Your birthday dress is gorgeous. The hot pink ribbon adds quite the pop doesn't it.

  29. Happy Birthday! I'm 34yrs young too. The Liberty looks gorgeous. I soo enjoy your blog. Thanks!

  30. You soooooo don't look 34, happy birthday.

  31. What a stunning birthday dress you have made. Happy birthday to you :-)

  32. Nice party dress lady! This one is a little longer than your previous creations, don't tell me you're getting prudish in your old age! ;)

    Happy birthday Lass! Enjoy your day.xx

  33. Happy birthday, you young'un.

    Another gorgeous dress.

  34. Absolutely love this dress made in Liberty. Great pattern and I am going to go out and buy this one after seeing your versions.

  35. Happy birthday! I LOVE liberty fabrics. Beautiful dress.

  36. Happy birthday! Another beautiful dress. I'd love to win your fabric to make a mini dress for my DD.

  37. Happy birthday!
    (I follow your blog via Bloglovin')

  38. Your dress is lovely! Many wishes for a fabulous birthday.

  39. Happy Brithday! Another gorgeous dress, the fabric is stunning and I love the ribbon belt.

    I'd love to win your giveaway - I've become a follower and I've posted about the giveaway as well!

  40. Happy Birthday! I would LOVE to win the fabric!! It's so nice to be able to follow a really good blog from Australia! =D

  41. Oh, I was just thinking how lovely that print was the other day, but I am normally a 'blue' girl. The blue version is perfect!
    Happy Birthday from this just-turned-34-year-old. It is not that bad.... pretty much the same as 33 in fact.

  42. Pretty! Both your dress, and the fabric! And you too of course! The pink ribbon looks fab, very birthday appropriate - Have a happy one!

  43. Happy birthday Jorth!
    The dress looks ace = and you are prolific!!!!

  44. Happy Beeday, Jorth!. Or, hippo bird day, two ewe.
    Thanks for the giveaway. I am already a follower. Won't you swing by and check out my blog too ;) We're practically twins (cancer '77) !!!

  45. The pink ribbon looks great. (But the green fabric is definitely my colour - I'd love to be in the draw for it.)

  46. Anonymous7:11 pm

    Happy Birthday, Jorth!!
    I follow the blog on bloglovin' and I'd love to enter :)

  47. Happy Birthday! What a fab dress! I recently bought this Vogue pattern based on your previous makes.

    I love this fabric (I just love Liberty!), so would love to be in the draw. I follow with Google friend connect and have you on my blog roll :) x

  48. Fab dress - the fabric sounds lovely!

  49. Happy Birthday! I just stumbled across your dress on flickr and love it! I've been looking for some more Australian blogs to read, so I'm popping yours on my google reader list! It looks just like my cup of tea!

  50. Happy Birthday!! Liberty always looks fantastic, and you've done full justice to it.

  51. Happy Birthday! - love your dress - you inspired me to buy the pattern and give this dress a go - it's not quite finished yet, but it's getting there ! thanks. susan dot m dot miranda at gmail dot com

  52. I just saw your blog the other day and loved it! Thanks for all the great ideas.

  53. My great grandfather always used to give everyone a hankerchief on his birthday - Happy Birthday to you - lovely idea

  54. I follow via Google :) What a pretty party dress! This pattern is now going on the list. Happy birthday!!!

  55. Oooh, I saw this fabric on Tessuti's website and have drooled over it! I love their fabrics. Happy Birthday! A very balloon worthy dress. :-)

  56. Happy birthday! I hope you were spoilt. Your birthday dress is lovely! I love birthdays. I also love that fabric! I've been lusting after some Liberty for a while.

  57. Anonymous10:47 pm

    What a beautiful dress & fabric!

  58. Happy birthday from a long-time lurker! Fabulous dress :)

    I'd love to be entered in your draw. I follow you on Google Reader.

  59. Happy birthday! Beautiful dress, I see the pink color won!
    I love that fabric and would love a chance to win!

  60. Awesome! Happy Birthday! Such a nice thing to do on your birthday. I'm already a follower.

  61. I would love to win that beautiful fabric. I love the inspiring things you make! Happy Birthday.

  62. Happy Birthday! I just recently discovered your blog and have been a follower for a couple of weeks -- you make the cutest stuff! Thanks for the great giveaway, if I win, I will definitely put the fabric towards a new dress!

  63. I love the dress you are wearing. Have a nice time on your birthday! New follower.

  64. Happy birthday! Love the dress, and the fabric. Thanks for the giveaway! I already follow you :) yzobela at hotmail dot com

  65. Love your dress! I would love to make a skirt out of your giveaway.
    And happy birthday!

  66. Your dress and fabric is wonderful! And happy, happy birthday! My birthday is day after yours and it would be great gift if I won this Liberty fabric :) I already following your blog!

  67. what a great giveaway!!!! Happy B-day, thank you for sharing the goods!

    prizpriz at gmail dot com

  68. Happy birthday and thanks for the giveaway :)

  69. Happy Birthday! You are a woman after my own heart. I also make a birthday dress every year. This is absolutely stunning! Wishing you much joy and hapiness in the year ahead.

  70. Happy Birthday! My birthday is Wed. so happy birthday to us. Great job with the dress and the fabric is really fabulous.

  71. Happy Birthday! I've been enjoying reading your blog so much since I found it a few weeks ago. You make the most lovely and inspiring garments and your writing is fun to read as well, keep it up!!

  72. Happy Birthday!! Such a gorgeous birthday dress you made! You look fabulous!

  73. Happy Birthday! What a completely gorgeous birthday dress too - I love the pattern (especially the boat neck), and the wonderful paint splatter print on the fabric too. The grosgrain ribbon round the middle just makes it. ...I think I may have to take up the birthday dress habit - I love the excuse (not that one's needed really!)!

    Have a fab day!

  74. Love the pink grosgrain ribbon that you picked... it really makes the fabric pop! I follow your blog and would love the chance to win this fabric :) thanks

  75. You look so great and happy. Happy birthday. I'd love to have a crack at the fabric. I hope you have a great birthday week. That's what we do after 30:)

  76. Oh wow, that's really pretty fabric! Thanks for sharing the birthday love and giving it away! I've subscribed to your feed on google reader, please enter me in the draw.

  77. Anonymous12:46 pm

    Wonderful dress and thanks for the giveaway :)

  78. Happy Birthday! Thanks for all the inspiration Jorth, love your style. I have been so keen to get my hands on some of this Liberty, your dress is lovely (cute bow).

  79. Love the Liberty fabric, have a wonderful birthday!

  80. No wonder I like you so much, you are a Leo (I'm a Sagittarian). Love your blog and love, love all of your creations, goodluck with the crative writing. I follow you on BlogLovin.

  81. Hold the phone! When did you have time to whip up that little number???

    Your prolific sewing is putting us all to shame.

    Happy Birthday!!

  82. What a beautiful birthday dress! and you don't look at day older than 24 :-) I'm glad you went with the pink ribbon! Happy Happy Birthday!

  83. Anonymous4:56 pm

    Happy Birthday!!! I must try this vogue pattern you have been using, every dress and shirt you make is extra cute. I would love to use this lovely fabric. Thanks so much for the give-away and have a lovely day.

  84. Love this version of Vogue 8851 and your choice of Liberty print. In fact, your earlier versions actually inspired me to make this pattern (twice). Thanks and happy birthday! Best wishes too as you embark on your new career as a writer :-)

  85. I've always loved the dresses you make and your choice of materials. And now, guess what? We have the same favourite restaurant!

  86. Hope you had a lovely Birthday! That dress looks fantastic! In fact everything you make looks fantastic. I'm now following you on Google

  87. Happy birthday, and thanks for the competition! This fabric is beautiful!

  88. Happy birthday- 34 rocks! After seeing your blog about the liberty fabric I had to go and look on the tessuti website (drool) and love the green colour way in that fabric. I'd love to sew something in it once I pop my baby out in a months time and I can get back to non maternity clothes.

  89. Happy Birthday! I love the dress and the fabric is beautiful. I can't find that anywhere in my country so I'm hoping you find favour and I become the winner.

    If I do win the fabric, I'm definitely making me a vintage dress. Bellicima!

  90. Yew!!!! yes Happy Birthday to you Jorthy, reading your posts never fails to bring a smile to my face.
    And that fabric really is something else!

  91. Happy birthday!! May it be one of these days to remember! Wow, a modern and fresh printed fabric for a pattern with a vintage flavour! I love the splashy effect of the colourful drops.

  92. It's my birthday too (on the 19th, yes?)! Happy birthday! And love, love, love that fabric. Thanks for having a giveaway!

  93. Love it love it love it! And I'm glad you went with the pink - everything's better in pink!

    You've inspired me to get sewing - I've got a few of the patterns you've used and I can't wait to get going - I'm going to embark on my first dress soon! Eeek!

  94. Happy Birthday! Love your blog - I've bookmarked it and visit regularly - and will follow you on Google now :)

    Thanks for the chance!

    mail.suboo at

  95. Happy happy birthday! Thanks so much for your inspiring blog. You even inspired me to make a Vogue 8511 of my own! (

  96. Happy birthday!!

  97. I hope you had a wonderful birthday :-) Your fabric and pattern selections are always an inspiration - thanks for sharing

  98. Happy Birthday Jorth from one July baby to another (mine is Thursday!) Glad to see you enjoyed your day. I would love to win the fabric as an additional Birthday present! Best of Wishes

  99. Happy Birthday!!! Thanks for sharing the love with us!

  100. Happy Happy Birthday Jorth! Thanks for a great blog and beautiful creations!
    Looks like your day was filled with amazing wonderful Melbourne delights!

  101. Happy birthday to you...glad you days was filled with spoils

  102. Anonymous7:43 pm

    I would love to take part in this giveaway. Thank you so much!

  103. Happy birthday! I love your birthday dress and would gladly like to make one for myself it I win :)

  104. Thats gorgeous fabric and a stunning dress, I'd love to be included in the draw (following on google reader)

  105. Happy Birthday Jorth! I have admired all the beautiful things you have made with the liberty fabric so far. Would love to try some myself!

  106. Gorgeous fabric - saw this at Tessuti Melbourne the other day but had budget constraints and had to put it back on the shelf. It really does feel lovely. Happy birthday :)

  107. Happy Birthday! Great dress!

  108. This fabric is gorgeous! And your dress is so adorable! I hope you had a lovely birthday.

  109. Happy birthday! Wish I remembered 34! Ha ha!
    I'd love the fabric, it would be perfect for a Brisbane winter's day. I have the perfect pattern too.

  110. Happy Birthday!!! Loves the fabrics, so classy..
    Thanks for the chance.....

  111. Beautiful dress, beautiful fabric.

    Happy birthday and all the best for another great year!

  112. Nice dress! I follow with GoogleReader…Happy Bday!

  113. Happy Birthday!

    I love that dress! I am actually making it right now. Hopefully it turns out as lovely as yours.

  114. Happy Birthday from Texas! What an awesome birthday giveaway. Would love to win. Your dress is so cute.

  115. Your dresses have inspired me to sew more. I would love to enter the fabric giveaway.


  116. Anonymous1:13 pm

    Hooray for birthdays :) I wasn't planning on entering but after reading the hilarious interrogation room story I figured it was my civic duty to do so! And it's nice to read about another Australian sewing, I think you're the only sewing/craft blog I read where our seasons match! I follow your RSS feed via Netvibes.
    hotmail dot com

  117. Happy Birthday! I have never had the opportunity to see any Liberty fabrics in person, but I have been dying to get my hands on some!

  118. Can someone PLEASE make me a dress like this? I have never learnt to sew and I have huge envy!! Alternately, any suggestions as to where I could learn to sew like this? I'm in Melbourne (inner south-east). Thanks!

  119. Oh dear Jorth, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! And thank you for such amusing posts. You always manage to put a smile on my face when needed. Ps I follow ur blog on google reader

  120. Happy Birthday! Totally Gorgeous dress!! Love how you have used the Liberty Fabric... and love the blue colourway in the giveaway....:)
    I usually just lurk ...oops... so thought it might be a good time to say hello... Absolutely love your creative writing and always have a laugh... but really love seeing what you sew next...

  121. Happy bday Jorth for the other day, hope it was fab. Thanks for the laughs and the girly stalk LOL!

  122. Anonymous6:44 pm

    I'd love a chance to win this. Thank you so much and happy birthday.

  123. I have been eyeing off this amazing liberty fabric at tessuti trying to justify its cost. Your amazing dress has definitely made me decide that I need to buy it!

  124. Hi Jorth,
    I'm not writing only so I can enter the draw, but that would be cool! I've been lurking on your blog for a few months now, thinking, "I should say hi!" I've recently started sewing again (used to sew when younger, but generally am more of a knitter), and I lived in Australia for a couple of years in the 1990s. Really though, I just love the vibe of your blog, the lovely stories, etc..and your sewing is outstanding!! So...hi from Canada. Stephanie

  125. I forgot - happy birthday! Oh and I'm going to run out and make that dress that you have on - you look lovely in it. I love the length, shape, etc. Perfect! Cheers!

  126. Wishing you a very happy birthday!!! I would love to enter your giveaway! Sam xox

  127. Hope you had a great birthday! you have been inspiring me to make more dresses...

  128. What a great way to celebrate :D Happy Birthday! Here's to many more fabulous creations!

  129. Anonymous7:51 am

    I love, love, love your new birthday dress and I hope you had a fabulous day! Isn't July the best month for birthdays? :)

  130. hope you had a nice birthday :)

    just entering the comp also if I can :)

  131. I follow you! and I like fabric! And also birthdays... Happy Birthday!

  132. That dress is bangin!!! +*+*+love the fabric too & I have some crafty plans in mind for it if I win! ; )
    thanks for the giveaway & happy birthday love!

  133. Love the dress and the fabric! I was nt able to choose which ribbon co our would be best when I looked at your last blog post but I definitely think you picked the right one!

  134. I found your blog on One Flew Over. I'm now a follower and would love to be entered into the drawing!

  135. Oooh, am i too late? I hope not!

    ~ Sarah

  136. Anonymous10:47 pm

    I love your stories just as much as your beautiful creations. Very inspiring. Happy birthday, hope you got the lemon meringue pie. Best wishes from Sydney. PS I love that fabric - I have never seen that print in real life

  137. Love the dress and your blog! Happy birthday!!!

  138. Super duper! Happy birthday!

  139. I love your dress...but I fear that I'm too late to enter.


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