
Friday, January 01, 2016

The Year Of Vintage Sewing

There's a cupboard in my house that for some time I have been scared to open. It's full of vintage patterns, and whilst you would expect them to all sit there quietly in their protective covers, I can assure you that this is not the case. As soon as their door is open, they begin to clamorously beseech me to stop faffing around and begin sewing them, NOW! Their heart-rending cries of desperate longing to be made up began to seriously do my head in, so guiltily I avoided the cupboard all together, rather than face their continued disappointment.

But vintage patterns, there is good news: I've decided that 2016 is the year for me to begin sewing you, so nag away - I'm on the job!


To be perfectly honest, I'm pretty excited about this project. I've been collecting vintage patterns for years now, and I've got some pretty good ones tucked away in there. The aim is to sew at least one vintage pattern up per month. And by vintage, I mean minimum 30 years old. I think I'll mostly be sewing ones from the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s as they are my favourite eras for fashion. The glamour! The styling! I want in on that action!

The patterns themselves can be original vintage or reproduced vintage ones. I'm hoping not only to end the year with an incredible wardrobe, but to also increase my sewing skills by learning some new techniques. I didn't sew as much last year as I would have liked to, so I'm hoping this project helps bring my sewing mojo back.

Now for the hardest part - which one to pick first!


  1. What a great project. I have a large pile of vintage sewing patterns (across many decades) but alas I don't have the lifestyle to incorporate them. I look forward to following your adventure!

  2. Anonymous11:11 pm

    Sounds like a brilliant idea. If you're wanting to keep the originals intact, I use $1/m non-fusible interfacing (source: quilting shop in Sydney) to trace patterns. You'll definitely spot all the notches and markings that way!

  3. Such an awesome challenge. I'd love to say I could do likewise but I'm only making up same sames of a simple tank pattern I like.

  4. Good for you. And good luck choosing your first project.

  5. Happy new year! Looking forward to seeing your vintage patterns come to life ;o)


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