
Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Meet the Fabric Stash

Hi! Come on in, sit down, help yourself to tea, and have a look at my fabric stash (and what could possibly be the dullest photo to ever feature on this blog):

Stash #1

Hmm. I've seen worse, but I've also seen far better. As part of our Year Of Green Frugality, I have put myself on a fabric buying ban. A while ago I had a big fabric sort out, donated what I knew I wouldn't use to Handmaker's Factory, and only kept the fabric that had been assigned a pattern. So now the goal is to only sew from the stash this year - I'll be using what I have, saving money and finally be able to see what an empty shelf in the sewing buffet looks like!

The majority of the fabric in the buffet is for projects for me. Tyger, however, does need quite a few new things made for this year. Seriously, the kid is growing like we douse her porridge with fertiliser each morning! So once I have used up the small pile of stash that is assigned to her, I shall allow fabric purchases made with only her projects in mind. Plus she might kill me if she misses out on any sewing action. Hee, hee!

I was worried, when I first came up with this idea, that I would feel restricted by the lack of new materials, but having sorted through the stash properly I've realised that every piece of fabric is in there because I love it. In a way it was quite lovely to do - seeing some of the fabrics again was like meeting old friends once more. I'm glad I did the de-stash when nobody was home, though, because I'm pretty sure I was babbling to myself, exclaiming at far-too-regular intervals witticisms like "Hey you! Looking good! Let me sew you up and we can look good together, baby!"

Speaking of looking good, how's this for a cute first cab off the rank project in the year of great money saving?  Fingers crossed Melbourne actually gets some summer sunshine this year, so me and this fine looking frock can do that look-good-together thing!

Stash #2


  1. That is a beautiful dress, and the fabric you have chosen is perfect. I can't wait to see the finished product.

  2. Anonymous3:27 pm

    Your stash is very minimal - but good you have a pattern in mind for all of it. Mine was reducing really well, the Pitt Trading had Cue remnants on sale and I caved, still I start work in an office next week and didn't have anything appropriate. I am going to sew from the stash only until June and then re-evaluate. I'm also intent on reducing the mortgage!

  3. Anonymous4:20 pm

    Well done on the sorting of your stash - it feels so great to be organised doesn't it?
    I did this last year and I have caved a few times and bought more fabric but you have re-inspired me!! No more fabric purchases until I have reduced my stash by half!!

  4. It must feel so satisfying to have reduced your stash! I like the idea of only keeping that which you have a pattern in mind for, I might need to try that as a way of reducing. Love that dress pattern/fabric combo!

  5. Heck yes! I did a similar thing in November and it feels amazing! Is it weird if I say kind of freeing? Everything has a purpose and a place and it is just waiting to be made. I am so looking forward to your 2015 increased sustainability voyage!

  6. Highly commendable! Everything I buy "had" a purpose it's just i get distracted and change my mind. Your dress will be stunning.

  7. See your the kind of gal who can justify a stash. My feeble stash ends up on caped Teddy bears or in dress up boxes!

  8. That is all??!! That is nothing! I recently went through my stash and loving stroked it all. I don't tend to buy stuff I don't truly love in colours/prints that I know I will wear. The exception being toile fabric that I pick up in op-shops (because I flatly refuse to buy calico because hot damn it is expensive! And I have finally run out of old sheets to use for toiles). But it still fills three 60lt tubs. The advantage of going through it all was the rediscovery of forgotten treasures and now the anticipation of new projects...............

  9. What a brilliant idea! Although my stash does take up 4 cupboards filling two walls in my sewing room plus another floor to ceiling built in cupboard in another room. Still I am slowly ploughing through it making the 100's of metres of bunting for her wedding this year so I guess that will make a hole in it! Love that dress pattern. I can really see you in it.

  10. Excellent plan... On a similar destash project this year. I want to clear the decks of old projects and fabric. Enjoyed meeting you at Woolarium yesterday over a shared passion for cinnamon doughnuts.

  11. Excellent plan... On a similar destash project this year. I want to clear the decks of old projects and fabric. Enjoyed meeting you at Woolarium yesterday over a shared passion for cinnamon doughnuts.

  12. Hi Leisl, great minds think alike, I made a vow a few years ago to get to ground zero on both my fabric and yarn stash! Unfortunately, I fell off the wagon a bit last year thanks to those infamous Clegs remnant sales and that devilish fabric store sale that seem to be just for us with our shared birthdays. But I will stand resolute this year! I haven't given away anything yet, but I probably should do a bit of a cull to make life easier. Perhaps we can keep each other in check?

  13. Anonymous7:59 pm

    Nice Post. I Like Your Post.

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  14. Hmm ... nice stash... good idea... where did you get that fabulous cupboard/buffet (do they call them that these days. I really love it and notice is is real wood and solid. Please, please don't have made it yourselves - only so I'm not jealous and have a chance to get one.


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