
Monday, July 14, 2014

Scrunchie city!

Oftentimes when it is school holidays, I lament that I never seem to get any crafting done, but this thankfully was not the case this time around. In fact, it was scrunchie city! The scrap bag had never seen so much action!
It was also the perfect craft to teach Tyger how to use a proper sewing machine i.e. mine, rather than the semi-toy one she was given a few years ago. She looked rather trepidatious at the beginning, and I began to become somewhat alarmed that something might go wrong and this was a bad idea, but once she got over her initial fears she was soon sewing like a pro. In fact, I had to bark at her to stop treating the machine like a racing car at one stage!

Some may say "Scrunchies? I thought they died with all the other bad early 90s trends!", but let me tell you this: they are hip and happening in this house. Besides, if they are good enough for Hillary Clinton, they are good enough for Tyger!



  1. What a great way to introduce your daughter to the sewing machine. It looks like she really enjoyed herself.

  2. Your daughter is to be encouraged sewing is a wonderful skill to have so much pleasure to be derived from a day of stitching.

  3. Anonymous10:54 pm

    Scrunchies are so much more gentle on your hair, I don't know why there is any hate for them!


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