
Monday, January 20, 2014

Edda - cable knit cardigan

Do you know, I have only just realised this very minute that despite the fact that Edda has been finished for two months that I haven't blogged about it at all? Shame on me!

I actually purchased the yarn to make this up about 3 years ago, and when I found it in my stash around September last year I decided it was exactly the kind of knit I felt like doing. It would be fairly quick, had some cables and the yarn was a merino/silk/cashmere blend. What more could a girl ask for? Plus, since the yarn had been languishing in my stash, it almost felt like I was getting a cardigan for free!

This was a pretty fun knit. It had enough going on to make it interesting, without being overwhelming. I did have one hiccup halfway through, when I realised that I had twisted one of my cables the wrong way, but I just grit my teeth, frogged, and started over again.

I'm quite liking how it turned out. It's perfect for wearing over a summer dress to protect you from the harsh UV rays, but airy enough to not feel hot. Plus it goes with all the red and pink in my wardrobe. Winner!

Edda #1

Edda #2

Edda #3

Project Details
Pattern: Edda, from Whisper by Kim Hargreaves
Yarn: 6 balls of Sublime Cashmere Merino Silk Aran in shade 0167
Needles: 4mm, 4.5mm, cable needle


  1. That is cute! I love the color. And that dress, too! Did you make it as well?

  2. Sure did, Rachel!

  3. Love the cardigan! I'm knitting my very first sweater right now :)

  4. Oh why did you show this cutie, I purchased the Miette because of your lovely version and now of course this is a must have. Any ideas of how I get the pattern here in Sydney?

  5. ooh lovely. and so nice with your cabbage rose dress!

  6. Lovely! Perfectly paired with the dress. What a great summer look!

  7. Inspiring as always! I'm doing my first knitting in over 20 years at the moment, my first ever with more than knit and purl. Think I'll go queue this cardigan on Ravelry!

  8. That is really beautiful and it must feel so luxurious with that blend of fibres.

  9. What a stunner! xo

  10. It's so pretty, love the colour and the shorter sleeves! You look great in this dress and cardi!

  11. this is so beautiful!! i just love it!


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