
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Loving those print out patterns!

Lola Pattern

I'm sitting here inside today, feeling snug and warm as the rain lashes at the windows, merrily beavering away at sticking a print out pattern together, and I suddenly realised, with a great big warm gush of gratitude, how very very glad I am for the internet.

It has brought me so many things: a craft community, access to mountains of inspiration, the chance to make new friends - both online and in real life - and the ability to share my projects and in turn delight in creations by others.

But one of the very best things is being able to buy a new pattern and print it right out! Seriously, how blimming awesome is that? Remember the bad, dark days of crafting, where you had to plan an expedition into town, and had to hope that (a) they had the pattern in your size and (b) you might be lucky enough to chance upon the right fabric while you there? It was such a dicey business, particularly if you were in the country, and choices were limited. Now, I'll always love being able to go into shops and paw their fabrics/yarns but it's also such a brilliant thing to be able to buy online, especially if you are not lucky enough to have a wealth of craft supply stores on your doorstep.

So today's post is a big shout-out thank you to all of the people, particularly the indie designers, who are making digital patterns, and making crafters happy everywhere. My particular favourites are:

Victory Patterns (I'm actually cutting out their Lola dress right now!)
Oliver + S
Figgy's Patterns
Colette Patterns
Violet Fields Threads
Grainline Studio (thanks to Suzy from Floating World)
Made by Rae (thanks to Jacinta from Sew {MM} )
BurdaStyle (again thanks to Jacinta)
Cake Patterns (thanks to Tania)
Wink Designs
Kitschy Coo (thanks to Kate from Two Little Banshees for the above 3 links!)
Ohhh Lulu for gorgeous lingerie patterns (thanks to Lucy from Maud Made)
Pattern Runway (thanks to Jano from Sallieoh)
Salme Sewing Patterns (thanks to Kirsty from Top Notch)
Thread Theory for menswear patterns (thanks to Threadie of We Sew Retro)
Tessuti (thanks to Stitching at Stone Cottage)
SavageCoco Patterns (thanks to Coco Savage)
Blank Slate Patterns (thanks to Melly of Melly Sews)
Sinbad and Sailor (thanks to Kirsty again!)
Your Style Rocks (thanks to Megan of Meggipeg)

Any other great digital patterns out there that I don't know about? I'd love to hear about 'em, so leave a comment and share the love!

****UPDATE!**** Just had a scathingly brilliant idea - if you leave a suggestion I'll add it to the above list, with a thank you link to who provided it. That way we can all be happy digital sewing campers. Hoorah!


  1. I can't wait to see your Lola dress, I was just considering that pattern this morning. Grainline is another good downloadable pattern Co. - I am making their Moss skirt right now.

  2. Made by rae has a range of downloadable sewing patterns: some for free too. kids and women's . And of course Burda Style has a site with tons of their magazine patterns available. :)

  3. Oh I can't wait to see your Lola dress and how you find the fit. I have been eyeing off that pattern for the last two days and it is so great that it will be at my fingertips as soon as I can commit. Cake Patterns does PDF patterns through Craftsy which get a big wrap out there in the sewing world.

  4. Can't wait to see that Lola!
    Hotpatterns do a few Pdf patterns now. Marina from Wink Designs has great patterns and there are good ones at Kitschy Koo

  5. I love my Lola, perfect for this time of year. Must print and stick my Simons together. Ohhhh lulu for lovely undies, she's just released 4 new patterns. Lots of people seem to hate downloads but I think they're great. It's not as if trees don't get cut down for paper patterns and atleast you can make sure you use recycled paper or mistake prints up the other way. Yet can't wait to see your Lola.

  6. Pattern runway also do good staple downloadable patterns :)

    I am halfway through making new undies from ohh lulu

  7. omg my worst nightmare is sticking all those a4 sheets toghether.

    as a matter of fact cutting out patterns period is the actual worst!

  8. Salme patterns
    They have a very cute romper and pussy bow dress - I've made up both.

  9. There is this new menwear sewing pattern line : Thread Theory : They just launch a men cardigan pattern.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Good grief! Pinning this page! I'm about to pass out with dismay at how many gorgeous things I'll never be able to fit into my crafting life! And yet - thank you!

  12. Sew Tessutti have a few nice patterns that are digital downloads

  13. Style Arc am Sassy T from Sassy Sewing Bees

  14. Just realised that they don't do downloads

  15. SavageCoco Patterns available over at The Heroine's Closet blog are downloadable. If get in during the testing phase, you get the pattern for free! Meg over at in Perth has made them all and they look smashing on her.

    Your knitting is absolutely outstanding!


  16. I design downloadable patterns for modern kids & women that are available here

  17. I forgot Sinbad and Sailor!

  18. These ones look cool and are free!

  19. Totally agree with you about printable patterns! I live in Rio, Brazil, with no craft supply store on my doorstep... In fact, we need to buy patterns mostly from abroad, and wait for the delivery which somentimes may take more than a month. Online pattern shops has totally changed my sewing alternatives! Last printable pattern was Gabby dress from Tessuti Fabrics.

  20. Anonymous9:29 pm

    Sorry... one month late for this blog post but what about Tilly and the Buttons patterns?


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