
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Scribble dress in progress

"What a surprise!" said a drawling insolent voice from the thread draw. "Pink and red again. Geez, that Jorth sure likes the tried and true, don't she?"

"Who cares!" muttered Sabrina the irascible sewing dummy as Jorth fussed about, pinning the dress bodice to her. "At least she's put down those dratted knitting needles and is doing some actual sewing again! Even if it is pink and red again, I'll take it!"

Pink dress in progress #1

Pink dress in progress #2

(Pattern: Simplicity 2176)


  1. That fabric looks gorgeous! Can't to see when it's done.

  2. Anonymous6:23 pm

    Ooh! Pretty

  3. Such a tease with these sneak peak photos. The fabric is gorgeous.

  4. Love the fabric choice and it will be a great summer dress.


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