
Monday, January 31, 2011

Clean up

Since it was a stinking hot 40 C here in Melbourne town yesterday, I decided that it would be an excellent time to sit down and do some long overdue blog tidying up. I've given myself a brand spanking new logo, got rid of the "Link Within" boxes, as I felt they added nothing but clutter and also updated my side bar links. Whaddy'all think? Nothing like a good clean up, I say.

And speaking of cleaning up, we discovered yesterday that some pesky pantry moths had made our little food cupboard their home. Dastardly creatures! I'm pretty sure they came home with us in rice from the bulk bins at a food co-op, as the same thing happened last time I bought rice from them, back when we were living in our old rented home. So much for being green and trying not to create any waste - I may have saved myself a plastic bag from not buying rice, but yesterday saw the binning of lots of food the little s#!%s had gotten into. Good times, good times...


  1. It looks great at your place! I'm planning an overhaul too...hoping it might inspire a bit of creativity my way.

    Huge bummer about the moths.

  2. It looks great - very fresh !

  3. A good tidy up is excellent for the soul!

  4. LIke it a lot. But with you on the little buggers. Went through that last year and lost lots. Have had tom compromise- buy bulk but keep them in plastic containers. Hint to put anything that you can in the freezer for 24 hours (I do it with lentils, rice etc) which should kill off any freeloaders before they are a problem)

  5. Margaret10:30 am

    Clean up day generally for me today, kids back to school and so much to catch up on. I have a war against weavils every January in Sydney. Someone told me to clean the shelves with metho on a cloth but I'm not sure it works. Pantry moth catchers from the supermarket at least give you the satisfaction of catching the blighters but they dont avert the problem. I adopted the plastic container solution and try and keep things in the fridge - oats, rice etc but my fridge is tiny so I don't always succeed... Good luck
    Blog looking great!

  6. I likey your new looky

  7. try bay leaves in with the products

  8. The little moths are actually weevels. I had them about 2 yrs ago in our pantry. I killed them and then thought I had gotten rid of them until I found some cardboard boxes they had nested in and then had to throw away. In the end I found the culprit, a packet of walnuts which they absolutely loved - the disgusting little things.

  9. Love the new look blog! Very fresh indeed. Hate the moths. My dad reckons you can microwave a bog of rice (or lentils or whatever they've gotten into) for two minutes and that kills them and any of they're larvae ... but then you need to fish out dead moths and larvae. So probably best you binned it all ;)

  10. Nice job on the new banner. It's cool! I've had trouble here in HI with little sharp horned bugs. I keep all my open grain items in large plastic containers with screw top lids now. Haven't had them since. But I did catch a rat not too long ago. Ah well...

  11. Ingrid11:12 pm

    We had a huge moth problem last year, also had to clean out the food cupboards.... there are some great natural products out there to get rid of them 'though.

  12. love the fresh look. and never fear, i shall happily pop over to wipe out those pesky fiends. or feinds. however it's spelled.

  13. those pantry moths are so prolific this year it must be the weather I reckon. Logo looks good by the way

  14. Hello I just read about your moth problem. Yes I have the same problem and believe me they can be a disaster for the wools and silks in your stash( lets get our priorities right) . I have found that pantry moth traps which you can get at Safe Way are really good and have almost eliminated the problem for me . They work like an old fashioned fly strip and there is a little patch which has a scent on it irresistable to moths ( probably essence of very expensive fabric)and then when they come to land they get STUCK in the sticky surface around them.Pretty environmentally friendly unless you happen to be moth I think.


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