
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Laura Ingalls called - she wants her sack dress back

So here it is, in all it's glory. And before you all start chiming in with cries of  "C'mon - it's not that bad" then let me tell you that it looks waaaaay better on Sabrina the dummy. On me it looked like a giant reddish sack.

Have you ever seens those pictures of Marilyn Monroe posing in an Idaho Potatoes sack? Well, it looked NOTHING LIKE THAT.

And it really is nobody's fault but my own. I knew the pattern was too big, but did I grade it? Nope. I knew that the high waist wouldn't suit my figure, what with being the owner of a particuarly long torso, but did I entend the bodice? Nup. I had a definite hunch that it would need to be brought in near the armhole, but did I tweak it? No siree bob. Did I even think about making up a muslin? Reader, I laughed at the very thought and continued on my merry way.

I was just in such a damn hurry to get the dress made and enter the competition that all sense appeared to have left my noggin before the first piece was cut out. I had been labouring under the misunderstanding that those days were behind me, that I was a responsible seamstress who contemplated and did a bit darn thinking before making up a garment, but it seems I can be as impetuous as ever.

Lesson, this time though, has definitely been learnt. I'm too old to spend the best part of a couple of days on something that will never work, but could if only I'd taken the time to organise my project properly. From now on all vintage patterns will get a toile made up first, and if I even send one tiny little fleeting thought towards a competition again it had better be a thought with more than three days up it's sleeve.


  1. Seriously- I'll have to come back later to read the rest of this post. I am still wetting myself from the title.

  2. Anonymous3:58 pm

    Hmm... interesting and I see what you mean now!

    This looks like unfortunate fabric/pattern match is all. (From your first post about it, it looks like the kind of fabric best suited to a little chanel-style suit. It also looks like it would require underlining.) I hope you can salvage the fabric and make something else at a later date.

    In the meantime, why not cheer yourself up by making up a tried and true pattern? Oh, I think you know which one we like here... :)

  3. I'm with Tas, best blog post title. Ever.

  4. Oh cr*p, Jorthy. If you can't do it without a toile, what hope do the rest of us have? *sigh*

    So all that is left to say now is ... goodnight John Boy ...

  5. Damn and blast! Have you considered the tulle petticoat? That's how those dresses were worn, and could make all the difference.

  6. Jenny4:01 pm

    Yep, Fer is right. Major petticoat action in those days - stiff, rigid stuff that held the skirts out. I've always had my doubts about the gathering around the waist of these frocks. It adds bulk at just the place where one doesn't need it (not this one,anyway).
    Yep, I hear ya on the muslin/toile/trial run for the vintage patterns. In fact, I am more and more convinced that a practice run is needed on most patterns these days. Painful, but true.
    Thanks for sharing Jorthy. We're with you.

  7. What a shame, but it would make a great hand bag!!

  8. Jenny5:24 pm

    dixiebell, as a fellow commenter, you get my comment of the week!

  9. Anonymous4:35 pm

    uh, wow. thanks for the idaho potatoes sack pic. now it will never go from my mind


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