
Monday, March 22, 2010

All gone!

I'm so glad to say that all those Three Way Dresses sold at the fete on Sunday - woohoo! One lucky lass even stripped down at the craft stall to don hers right away. No greater honour can a seamstress have!

I was a weeeeeee bit fearful that they wouldn't sell, but it appears I needn't have worried. I even had desperate mums asking where the pink ones had all gone (typical - bloody pink!) and if I would take orders.

Um, no. Learn to sew and make your own! The Three Way Dress Jorth sweatshop has now officially closed. Till next summer, anyhey.

Now, as the Galumph says, I just have to keep my eyes peeled for one "in the wild". Heh!


  1. Yay! They were extremely cute. I am making my soon-to–be-three-year-old niece a dress for her birthday - out of a vintage 1950s pattern - can't wait to see her preening herself in it - she is such a little princess!

  2. I'm not surprised they all went! They are gorgeous!

    I am contemplating buying that issue seems to have so many cute items in it! My problem is, both my kids are way, way, way beyond any of the sizes, so it would strictly be a frivolous purchase. Trying to justify that one. :p

  3. Lady, I'm just impressed you made as many as you did (types the Queen of the One Hit Wonder)...

  4. Of COURSE they sold! They are fabulous :)

  5. nice work Jorth!

  6. I would have stripped off right away for one those too.....!

    They're gorgeous combinations....only wished that our school fetes had sold something as lovely as these!!!!

  7. Yay! I concur with the pink sentiments!

  8. Hi there, I'm Judy. I've been quietly lurking on your blog for a week or two and figured it was time to pop out of the shadows and say Hi nicely. The dresses were so cute I'm not surprised they sold either!

    I can imagine how it would feel to see one in the wild. I've just started selling some of my own designs and I will quite literally die of excitement if I see one ON someone!

  9. Lovely dresses.. I can't believe there was ever any dobt that they wouldn't sell!

  10. Anonymous8:43 pm

    Oh they were so cute. Now I'm interested. I know that Ottobre doesn't allow selling garments from their patterns unless you have a license so I assume you have one. Was it complicated (and expensive) getting it?
    ghainskom at yahoo dot com


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