
Monday, November 06, 2006

Horses vs. Life On Earth As We Know It. Damn - the horses won.

Not a bad turn out for the Walk Against Warming we did on Saturday. 30,000 people walked in Melbourne alone! Ok, so it's not as impressive as the 120,000 who went to the races on the same day, but I suppose watching the gee gees run around a track is far more important that letting our pollies know that we want action on reducing greenhouse emissions, hmmm?

(Psssst! Go sign the petition here!)


  1. Anonymous2:11 pm

    Thanks for the link, i've voted.

  2. Anonymous7:09 pm

    It's great so many people got out there and did something.

    I got caught up in the London one as I was emerging from the hairdresser's. It was quite by accident but I was having a great time! That's probably not quite the point, though.

  3. I understand why the day was picked, but in hindsight, perhaps not the best day for
    publicity ?!?!?


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