
Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I'm baaaack!

... and fitter than ever before! Rather than use Easter as an excuse to slob around, doing nothing but occasionally look surprised at how many chocolate dribble stains are accumulating on my t-shirt, this year we went Rail Trailing! We stayed at a very comfy place in Bruthen, and hit the trail for two days running, riding to Nowa Nowa the first day (great pub lunch at the end, and the people running the pub were so nice!) and on the second day heading to the Nicholson River winery. The tracks were well maintained, and apart from the very occasional hill, very easy to ride on (especially when one finally figures out how to use their gears. Ahem.) Highlights:

- Managing to be happily tucking into lunch at the pub, nicely under shelter, when the horrendous rains struck.

- Not falling off my bike (instead, I fell ON my bike and oh my goodness me you should see the horror bruise I have on my inner thigh, right near my privates - but at the least the bike and Grumbles remained upright).

- Popping in to see the gorgeous coastal town of Metung - how darn pretty is that place?!

- Enjoying a glass of sparkling shiraz in the sunshine at the winery, whilst Grumbles happily played in the sandpit (very thoughtful of the winery owners to put one there).

- Playing pig-in-the-middle frisbee on the winery lawn, and chuckling as Grumbles erupted with mirth every time it whizzed over her head.

I'll let the pics do the rest of the talking! All in all, we had a wonderful time. I'd highly recommend it to anybody.


  1. Anonymous1:06 pm

    All looks very nice indeed! Im sure you didnt return with a headcold from the whipping cold winds and rain like moi?

  2. Fortunately, no. Although, if I did, I might have been able to convince Galumph that I needed looking after, therefore prolonging the holiday!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful weekend, makes me homesick for Australia and warmer weather, and wine ofcourse!

  4. Great post! These trails look smashing. Your images convey a feeling of joy to me.

  5. Sounds like a fantastic Easter holiday......much better than slobbing about eating lots of cheap and expensive chocolate.

  6. Completely beautiful. What can I say? I am feeling a bit ordinary about that Sunday chocolate mousse cake now.


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