
Wednesday, February 01, 2006

What a doggone good bag!

Today, for want of any better pictures to post, I present to you my knitting bag!

Excuse the crumy photo - after all that heat, it's now grey and drizzly. Sheesh!

That's right - I actually made a tote bag, and then embroidered a dog (of all things) knitting upon it. And a very cute dog too, if I do say so myself! Now, before you laugh yourself silly over it, I'd just like to say that this bag was made when I was pregnant and at home, bored out of my noggin, waiting for Grumbles to arrive. Actually, it was quite an enjoyable experience - I remember watching Amelie as I did it, and day dreaming, between stitches, of one fine day when I would saunter through Paris, dog knitting bag slung just so over my shoulder, merrily conversing in perfect fluent French to all and sundry who passed by. Then I probably had to get up and go to the toilet for the 14,000th time that day and so ended the day dream!

As for what is currently inside the bag, we have a finished Ruski! Well... when I say finished, I mean I've finished the knitting component. Tonight I'll block, then hopefully all the seaming shall be done by the weekend. Hooray!


  1. Anonymous11:10 pm

    A very cute dog indeed. Loving your knitting bag! :)

  2. very very cute bag.

  3. See? Now, that's impressive. You rock!

  4. I'm quite impressed with your doggie embroidering skills.

  5. That is a wonderful bag!

  6. What a gorgeous bag. I think the dog is divine!

  7. Anonymous8:23 am

    Love the bag, love the blog. Will be back!

  8. what a gorgeous bag, i especially love the embroidery...

  9. I love the doggie bag!!

  10. Hi,
    Isn't Mufalatta great stuff for a picnic? Thanks for your comment on my blog too.


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